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Hello all, Dan Sandweiss forward this message from Jeanette Sherbondy ([email protected]) who offers this new set of publications to whomever would make good use of them, for the cost of shipping. Her one stipulation is that they go to an address in the US. If you are interested, please contact Jeanette directly.

Enclosed is another list of books I'm giving away. I just ask that I be reimbursed for the cost of shipping and postage, which by media mail, is minimal.Thank you!


List of publications to give away

Tawantinsuyu (revista) Vol 1 1995

Beyond Indigenous Voices: LAILA/ALILA 11th International Symposium on Latin American Indian Literatures (1994), ed. Mary H. Preuss

Desde afuera y desde adentro: Ensayos de etnografía e historia del Cuzco y Apurímac, ed. Luis Millones, Hiroyasu Tomoeda, Tatsuhiko Fujii. Osaka 2000

Peru Indigena, NO. 26 (1967) Lima, Instituto Indigenista Peruano

El Mundo Ceremonial Andino, ed Luis Millones, Yoshio Onuki, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, no. 37 (1993) Senri Ethnological Studies

Mitos, Leyendas y Cuentos Peruanos. Casa de la Cultura del Peru, 2nd ed. Lima, notes by Jose Maria ARguedasand Francisco Izquierdo Rios

Ynstrucion del Ynga Don Diego de Castro Titu Cussi Yupangui . . . (1570) with Introduccion by Luis Millones. Ediciones El Virrey, ejemplar nro. 0824.

Gramatica Quechua y Vocabularios by Rafael Aguilar Paez (UNMSM) (1970)

Breve Diccionario Kkechuwa Español by Jorge A. Lira, Edicion Popular n/d

Ñawpa Pacha vol 25-27, Berkeley, 1987-89

Paulo O.D. de Azevedo: Cusco: Ciudad historica continuidad y cambio. PNUD/UNESCO

Ricardo Valderrama y Carmen Escalante: Del Tata Mallku a la Mama Pacha: Riego, Sociedad y Ritos en los Andes Peruanos, DESCO 1988

Pedro de Cieza de Leon: Cronica del Peru. PUCP Fondo Editorial 1985. Segunda Parte

Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society, vol. 25 nos. 1 and 2. Structure, Knowledge, and Representation in the Andes, Volume II Studies Presented to Reiner Tom Zuidema 1997

Catherine Allen: The Hold Life Has: Coca and Cultural Identity in an Andean Community, second edition (2002)

Frank Salomon: The Cord Keepers: Khipusand Cultural Life in a Peruvian Village (2004)

Paul B. Trawick: The Struggle for Water inPeru: Comedy and Tragedy in the Andean Commons Stanford UP (2003)

R.Tom Zuidema: La civilization inca au Cuzco. PUF (1986) [ With autograph to me from Tom Zuidema]

J. Stephen Lansing: Priests and Programmers: Technologies of Power in the Engineered landscape of Bali. (1991)  Princeton UP. [Excellent  study of Balinese irrigation]

Issicha Puytu, edicion bilingue Quechua-Spanish, Ed. Milla Batres, Lima (1974)

William M. Denevan “The 1931 Shippee-Johnson Aerial Photography Expedition to Peru” offprint from Geographical Review (1993)

Photocopy of “The Creation of Cultivable Land Through Terracing” by John Treacy and William Denevan in Archaeology of garden and Field (1994)

Xerox copy of Album de Paleografia Hispanoamericana de los siglosXVI y XVII, vol 1 Introucuccion. By Agustin Millares Carlo and José Ignacion Mantecón,

Xerox copy of Jose Fernando Asteteís Lo Sistemas Hidráulicos del Valle del Cusco (Prehispanicos), tesis , 1984, Cusco.

Bound photocopy of Fray Martin de Muruaís  Historia General del Peru, Origen y Descendencia de los Incas, Madrid 1962.

Bound photocopy of Bertonioís ayamara vocabulario aymara-español and español-aymara 1610  (2 volumes)

Bound photocopyo f Gonzalex Holguinís Vocabulario Quechua, 1952 printing of original. (2 volumes)

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